UC Berkeley Graduation Photographer – カリフォルニア大学バークレー校, 卒業写真撮影

UC Berkeley Graduation Photographer – カリフォルニア大学バークレー校, 卒業写真撮影

Congratulations, Ryan!  Ryan graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in applied Math and Computer Science from UC Berkeley, and his parents flew in from Japan to attend his graduation!  We walked around the beautiful campus of UC Berkeley to create his graduation portraits, and we had so much fun!  I love the graduation season. Everyone is so happy!

Ryan is off to Tokyo to join the startup company. How exciting!  Best of luck with your next adventure, Ryan!

I offer graduation portraits session at all UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Stanford University, and all other schools in San Francisco and the bay area!






お問合せは 上記の” Contact Me” ページ、またはE-mailにて日本語でお気軽にお問合せくださいませ!

Email:  aikacardinphotography1@gmail.com


UC Berkeley Graduation Photos

UC Berkeley Graduation Photos

UC Berkeley Graduation Photos

UC Berkeley Graduation Photos

UC Berkeley Graduation Photos

UC Berkeley Graduation Photos

UC Berkeley Graduation Photos


UC Berkeley Graduation Photos

UC Berkeley Graduation Photos

UC Berkeley Graduation Photos