S family holiday session, San Ramon, East Bay, San Francisco family photographer

S family~they are one of my very first client I photographed when I started my business last year.  I started photographing maternity photos when their 2nd baby was in mommy's belly, then newborn, crawling , walking milestone, 1st Birthday party, etc.  I really love documenting their life and change in their life through my lens.  Now, this is our 2nd holiday session and we had a great time together!!    Their holiday card this year looks so beautiful and I can't wait for them to share it with their friends and family! video              

Continue ReadingS family holiday session, San Ramon, East Bay, San Francisco family photographer

Lillian 11 days old. Pleasant Hill, East Bay, Newborn, family portrait photographer

Lillian came to my studio for her newborn session ;-)   She was 11days old when I photographed her and she was so sleepy throughout the session.  Since she was deep in sleep, we got to try lots of fun poses. I LOVE every image from this session.   My favorite is the on of Lillian sleeping on big brother's chest and one of Lillian have hands under the chin ;-)  So sweet and so cute !! I love it when client schedule the session with my for maternity and newborn session together so that I can document the change in the family, from mommy's big beautiful belly to big brother holding little sister.  I really do LOVE my job ;-)  

Continue ReadingLillian 11 days old. Pleasant Hill, East Bay, Newborn, family portrait photographer