Extended Family session at Rossmoor. Walnut Creek, bay area family photographer

I met W family at Rossmoor. Rossmoor is a senior community in Walnut Creek, they have golf course, pool, several club houses and restaurants on site spread out over 1,800 acres. W family was visiting grandma over 4th of July weekend from New York.  What a great idea to do a family photo session when you are on vacation and it makes it even more special to include grandma! We had lots of fun together and looking forward to seeing them again when they are visiting East Bay next time!

Continue ReadingExtended Family session at Rossmoor. Walnut Creek, bay area family photographer

Baby Model Headshot Photographer, San Francisco, South Bay, East Bay, Bay Area.

I'm super excited to announce that I'm a " preferred  photographer" by San Francisco Modeling Agency!  Here are adorable baby models I recently photographed for their modeling headshot and portfolio at my studio in East Bay, San Francisco!  I had lots of fun photographing them and I wish them the best of luck and I can't wait to see them on magazines and ads!

Continue ReadingBaby Model Headshot Photographer, San Francisco, South Bay, East Bay, Bay Area.

Twin, Chloe & Sebastian, First Holy Communion Portraits at St. Raymond Church in Dublin ~ First Communion Portraits Photographer

I photographed B family last Fall for Holiday Family Session at Old Borges Ranch in Walnut Creek and I had lots of fun! This time, photo session was for First Holy Communion Portraits for twins, Sebastian and Chloe at St. Raymond Church in Dublin.   They are both dressed up in suits and white dress and it was like photographing wedding! it is such a special milestone and some of these first communion portraits were beautifully displayed at the first communion party!  Can't wait to photograph them again this Fall for family session! First Holy Communion Portraits Session at St. Raymond Church in Dublin        

Continue ReadingTwin, Chloe & Sebastian, First Holy Communion Portraits at St. Raymond Church in Dublin ~ First Communion Portraits Photographer