Elizabeth 7 days old. Walnut Creek Life Style Newborn photographer

isn't she beautiful?  When it comes to newborn session, I like to keep it simple.   Timeless and classic. Not too much prop or crazy big bow, simply to capture the beauty of newborn baby as is.   All my life style family newborn sessions taken place at comfort of client's home.   This family just moved from San Francisco to Walnut Creek and grandparents were visiting from San Diego so we created precious portraits of their first grand child and grandparents portraits.   These portraits will be cherished forever ....!  

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Y Family, extended family session in Walnut Creek, East Bay San Francisco

Another fun extended Family Session in Walnut Creek!  Extended family session itself create such a great memory and we have these beautiful pictures to treasure for many years! Enjoy the pictures, Y family!

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Extended family session in Los Altos! South Bay, San Francisco Children and Family Photographer

What a fun session!  I LOVE the family session with grandparents!   The photo session itself creates a special memories and you will have beautiful pictures to treasure for many years to come.   Rancho San Antonio in Los Altos was perfect place!  Enjoy the pictures, R family!

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