Business Headshot at Studio in Walnut Creek

I offer business / corporate Headshots at studio in downtown Walnut Creek!  I have 5 new hire from software company in Walnut Creek yesterday.  They were all new to business world, just graduated from University and or Graduate School!   We scheduled them to come to studio every 15 minutes, I took photos with various poses, showed them photos right after the session, each of them selected their favorite and retouched files were sent back to company next day! These photos will be added to company's website!   I offer white, light grey backdrop  for business and corporate headshot in studio, I'm also available to travel to company and photograph outside in green, city look for natural light setting.  Please email studio : for availability !

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NOW BOOKING! Baby Yoga and TRUNK n’ TREAT Halloween and Fall mini Session

It's my favorite time of the year, Halloween & Christmas!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE photographing little ones in their Halloween costumes, Fall colors, and their adorable Holiday outfits.  Register today for a fun portrait session by Aika Cardin Photography!  Bring your little one in to capture their cuteness and magic of the season.  These mini sessions are very popular and will sell out quickly. Reserve your spot now!   Halloween & Fall mini will be offered in two locations for two different backdrops. Please sign up from the calendar below and make sure to select the date of the event you are attending!   Purple Halloween theme Backdrop October 27th Sunday,  3 pm-5 pm at Hilarie's Helpful Hints Munchkin Masquerade Parade Trunk n' Treat      Brown backdrops with Fall props - Fall outfits and /or Halloween costume October 29th, Tuesday at 9 am-12 pm at Baby Yoga class at Sports Basement in Walnut Creek   RECOMMENDED AGE: Babies ~ Any School-age kids! FEE: $25 per child, include 10 minutes photo session, one outfit change ( fall outfit and Halloween ) please add $20 for a sibling  (due to a limited shooting space, no more than two children total.) The online gallery will be available on October 30th.  Professional Print and the digital file is available for purchase from $35~.  Special Package will be available!   No refund will be issued for cancellation within 48 hours.     Holiday Mini It's time for the Holiday Mini!  Magical birch forest for  " Winter…

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サンフランシスコ ウェディングフォト!

5月はじめ、日本のゴールデンウィークの間にサンフランシスコに来られた島田夫妻の撮影をさせて頂きました!サンフランシスコらしいロケーションでとのご希望でしたので、ウエディングドレス、スーツを着てシティーホール、ユニオンスクエア、ゴールデンゲートブリッジの3箇所で撮影しました。通りすがりの人達から何度も " Congratulations!" とお祝いの言葉を頂きながら笑いの絶えない楽しい撮影でした! サンフランシスコでの結婚式の前撮り、ウエディングフォトに関してのお問い合わせは メールにて へお願い致します。 ヘアメイク、送迎の手配も可能です。    

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