L family session at Brazilian room, Berkeley

I love working with this family ;-)  First time I photographed them was last Summer at Baker Beach, then we did maternity and newborn session for Kira, their new addition to the family.  This time, mom's brother family were in town so they wanted to do family session including all grandparents!  What a fun we had all together!   I can't wait to show them beautiful album I'm creating for them, They are going to love it!!

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Izzy’s 4th Birthday Bash in San Ramon Olympic Pool and Aquatic Park

Happy 4th Birthday, Izzy!  I've been photographing Izzy since she was 3 and I always had great time photographing her.  She has the most gorgeous eyes and I was very looking forward to photograph her party!  Since she is into mermaid, the party theme was a little mermaid from Disney, and the location was perfect for that theme!  It took place at San Ramon Olympic Pool.   What a fun party!   Kids were having so much fun splashing in the pool ;-)   Thank you for letting me be party of this special day!  Enjoy the video!  

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My 5th Wedding Anniversary in Kauai, HI

Recently, we went to Kauai to cerebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.  We got married in Oahu 5years ago and it was nice to return to Hawaii, this time with Leo together.  I tried not to take many pictures as it was my vacation, but everywhere we went was so beautiful and I had to take my camera out sometime.   My goal was to edit Hawaii photos while we were there because I knew when I return, I will be busy with clients order,  but every night I was tired from all sun and fun activities, so didn't get much editing done or even sorting out photos.... ;-(  so, now I have this huge files of Hawaii photos.  It has been 2 weeks since we came back and I finally decided to spend a little time to take a look of folder.  Here's just some of my favorites of Leo, this really shows who he is.  He loves being out, exploring. We had great time in Kauai, sunset cruise, Luau, beaches,etc....  I can't wait to make an album from this trip, maybe not till towards end of the year after this holiday season is over  but it will be a nice memory book ;-)  

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