Lucia 6 months old | Walnut Creek, East Bay, San Francisco Baby Photographer

Did I tell you I love my baby collection clients?   I photographed Lucia when she was 3 weeks old  and I was so excited to see her again with her big sister, Siena!  6months old is such a cute age to photograph, they are smily and I just love how she is sitting up on her own. So cute!   Big sister, Siena loves to sing and we ended our session with her " twinkle twinkle little star" you can listen her singing in video below. it's just adorable ;-)  We also created a super cute collage for Daddy for father's day gift and I know he is going to love it!  Can't wait for our next session when Lucia turns 1 !  ~Enjoy the pictures~

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Simone, 10 days old: Walnut Creek, East Bay, San Francisco Newborn Photographer

Simone came to my studio for her newborn portraits!  She was 10days old and between 5-10days of life is the most precious time to photograph a newborn.  During this time babies will usually retain some of the natural curl from when they were in mommy's tummy.  Newborn babies are also more sleepy and pliable for the most desired poses and curling, sleeping newborn will make for the most memorable and meaningful photographs ;-)   Simone was so smily during the session!  I was able to capture her beautiful smile and I know that mom and dad will  love these images!  Congratulations again and enjoy the pictures!! What a happy beautiful baby! Such a sweet big brother! Love this one of mom and Simone And more smiles for daddy!

Continue ReadingSimone, 10 days old: Walnut Creek, East Bay, San Francisco Newborn Photographer

Terra & Kenyon, Gender Reveal Session, Walnut Creek, East Bay, San Francisco, Maternity Photographer

I was so excited when I received a phone call from Terra.  She called me two days before her Dr. appointment to find out the gender of the baby and she had this fun idea of capturing the moments when they find out if it's boy or girl.  Terra had Dr. wrote down the gender in the closed envelope, she took it to The Balloon Man in Walnut Creek.  When I went to pick up this HUGE box filled with the balloon, I had to ask them if it's pink or blue.... ;-)  As I was transporting this box to the session location,  I was trying SO HARD not to say " she" when I refer to the baby when I was talking with Terra & Kenyon. As we are all walking together, Terra and Kenyon told me how much they were excited for this session and also mentioned that they wanted a GIRL.   Since I already knew it's a girl, I couldn't wait to see their face when the box was opened.  They were so emotional and I was, too.  I was clicking away shot in tears because I could feel how happy Terra and Kenyon were.   Terra and Kenyon created a " gender reveal announcement card" to send out to their family members!  What a fun and cute idea!!   We will be meeting in August again for maternity session then newborn session once their baby GIRL is born. Thank you so much…

Continue ReadingTerra & Kenyon, Gender Reveal Session, Walnut Creek, East Bay, San Francisco, Maternity Photographer