Nishimura Family, Tokyo, Japan ~ Family portrait Photographer ~

These pictures are from when I was back in Japan this past March. Cherry blossom was in bloom so we did some family portraits with those in the back ground.  I love Spring in Japan!   Mom is my best friend from Junior High and we've been friends for more than 20years!!  We've always kept in touch after I left Japan  12 years ago, I'm so grateful to have her in my life ;-)  I had so much fun photographing her family.  Their kids are 2 & 4 years old and they are the sweetest boys!  Enjoy the pictures and can't wait to see you again!    

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Anderson, 1year old session ~ Walnut Creek, Easy Bay, San Francisco kids and family photographer

Happy 1st Birthday, Anderson!   We had such a fun morning together playing in water and bubble!   It's hard to chose favorite from this session because I like them all ;-)  He has gorgeous blue eyes and his smiles are just adorable.  I love to watch kids face expression when they play with bubbles.  They are always so curious and Anderson loved watching bubble pop, pop pop!   One of mom's favorite image is from the one he is playing with bubbles and I love that image, too!  Enjoy the pictures, mom and dad and can't wait to see canvas collage on your wall soon!

Continue ReadingAnderson, 1year old session ~ Walnut Creek, Easy Bay, San Francisco kids and family photographer

Interior photo shoot at Bloom Retreat in Walnut Creek!

I had an opportunity to photograph Bloom Retreat in Walnut Creek    I have been taking yoga class there every week and Bloom offers such a relaxing atmosphere for busy moms. You can takes classes, massage therapy, or simply just bring a book and relax in their living room with a cup of tea.  The best part is they have a kid's room so while kids are having fun, mom get to relax and take a break from busy life.  The owner, Michelle asked me to photograph their " room" to use images on their website as well as marketing materials.  It was my first time doing " Interior photography" and I had so much fun!!  It is so different from  what I usually do, chasing around kids, and I find this very interesting ;-) I was part of their " open house" event around Mother's day and also Tea Party hosted by Hilarie's Helpful Hints at Bloom.  At the event, I got to photograph lots of mom and their kids together.  As mom, we are usually the one taking pictures and we don't have much pictures with kids, so at this Mother's day event, I focused on photographing mom and kids together ;-) Kids will treasure these photos when they are older. If you haven't been to Bloom, go check it out!  It's located in downtown Walnut Creek!  Remember, mom needs a break sometime  and we deserve it!  

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