Emiri 3 months old – Tokyo Baby Portraits Photographer

Emiri, she is one of the cutest baby I've ever photographed!  I know Emiri's mom for more than 6 years now.  We became friends when we both lived in New York City and we had so much fun together, traveling, shopping, dining, concerts, etc, everything NYC offers, we did it together. What a great memories!   Time flies by and now I have almost 4years old son and she just welcomed her first baby girl, last December.   I was so excited to photograph Emiri's 3 months old portraits.  First we headed to Koishikawa Kourakuen in Tokyo for cherry blossom.  At age 3 months old, there are lots of break during the session, feeding, changing,  and sometime baby falling asleep... ;-)  Those are all cute and precious moments and I'm here to capture all of them ;-)    We were able to create sweet portraits with cherry blossoms and more at home.   I'll be photographing Emiri throughout this year and can't wait for a next session.  Next one is when she is sitting up on her own!   I love the Spring in Tokyo!   One of my favorite! This one is displayed in her living room!  Love this one! So sweet.... Mom requested to photograph while she is feeding.  This is such a special moments and I wish I have pictures like this with my son!!!

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Since we moved to Tokyo last Christmas, ( Yes, we flew on Christmas day...), we finally visited my parent's house!  Since Leo is the first and only grand child right now, he was treated like a "super star" !   I usually don't bring my big camera when I travel but this time, I did since I really wanted to capture some precious images of Leo and his great grandparents who is turning 88 and 85 this year.  Below is one of my favorite image, Leo is taking pictures of his great grandparents ♥  Leo always watch me taking pictures so I guess it's natural ...   In a few years, I would love to hire Leo as an assistant and can't wait for a day to work together! We will be in Japan till end of this year and till then, I'm going to visit my parents house as much as I can, so that Leo can spend lots of time with his Japanese family!   Leo loves train so 4 hours train ride from Tokyo to Kanazawa ( my parents house) doesn't seem to bother him!  

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Protected: Riichi’s Graduation Party!

利一君の卒業パーティー楽しかったですね! 下記、パーティーのビデオと写真です。携帯電話からビデオは見れない場合があるので、パソコンで見て下さいね!   写真はここからダウンロード出来ます。 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ephbdmnw70bnd20/fUOFsQdTai 見れなかったり写真をダウンロード出来ない場合は photo@aikacardin.com までメールお願いします。    リオの母、愛香

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