T Family Session at Shinjyuku Gyoen, Tokyo 新宿御苑での家族写真撮影会

What a beautiful Family!  I had so much fun photographing T Family last week at Shinjyuku Gyoen in Tokyo.  Grand Father is an old friend of my in law from about 30 years ago when they all lived in Boston.  Life is so interesting how I get to photograph T Family and now with their grandkids.  Shinjyuku Gyoen is such a beautiful park and perfect for Family Photos, gorgeous skyline of Shinjyuku, lots of trees and beautiful flowers!  Enjoy your pictures! T Family! 先週末、新宿御苑でT家族の写真撮影を行いました。T家族のおじいちゃんとおばあちゃんはアメリカにいる私の義理の両親と約30年以上も前から付き合いがあり、今回こうやって娘さん家族、お孫さんを撮影することが出来たのも何かのご縁だと思っています。新宿御苑は新宿のスカイライン、並木に奇麗な花で囲まれ家族写真の撮影には最高のロケーションでした。子供達とはゲームやシャボン玉で遊びながらとても楽しい撮影となりました!写真館でおすましして撮る写真も素敵ですが、私は、楽しい思い出がいっぱい詰まった家族愛が感じられる写真が好きです。一枚一枚に、瞬間の笑顔、そのひと時をとじ込め、ご家族の大切な思い出の記録作りをお手伝いできればと思っています。この撮影会の写真は、データのままではなく、大切な“記憶”をカタチに残し、何年後も楽しかった思い出を振り返ることが出来るようにという気持ちを込めてカスタムデザインのアルバムを作成します。素敵なアルバムになりますので、楽しみにしていて下さいね!   *まずはフォトムービーからどうぞ!

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One afternoon ~ Tokyo Life Style Children & Family Photographer

In the one Sunday afternoon, I was practicing my camera setting on my husband ( I do this all the time so now he doesn't even look at me anymore.. which is totally O.K ;-) ) then I heard little noise from hallway.  Leo just woke up from his nap and came to join us.  He started playing with Daddy and I kept taking pictures.  These sweet moments are so precious.  I LOVE taking pictures at beautiful locations, and I also love capturing these everyday moments.  In Japan, photography culture is very different than U.S.  There are MANY photo studios to celebrate milestone in Kimono ( which is gorgeous and beautiful! ) but hiring professional photographer is for wedding.  Life Style Family Photography is not very common.  I believe every family should have pictures taken at least once a year to remember how family love looks like.  I'm looking forward to photographing many families, kids and babies while I'm in Tokyo!  

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Having a baby in Tokyo? Tokyo maternity & newborn photographer

Having a baby in Tokyo?  capture the entire pregnancy experience with lifestyle maternity & newborn session with Aika Cardin Photography!  Maternity photos at your special location and the first days of a newborn’s life can be captured in the comfort of your own home to make all these special times here in Japan to be remembered forever.  Your miracle will be captured in a stunning and unforgettable way.  Custom-designed birth announcements, and signature products compliment the gorgeous memories from your first session as a new family. Please see www.aikacardin.com for more info!

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