Introducing my baby girl, Erika!
Introducing my baby girl, Erika! She arrived 2 weeks early on May 31st. My son, Leo was 2 weeks late so I really wasn't expecting her to arrive any earlier than due date of June 13th.... I was at the park in Alamo for playdate with Leo's friends and I was feeling contraction, getting stronger and stronger. I remember mentioning to my mommy friend " I think I'm having a baby tomorrow! " After 26 hours of labor, Erika arrived! While I was at hospital, I was thinking about Erika's newborn portraits, since she came 2 weeks early, I wasn't ready at all, I haven't ordered the prop I wanted to use... Erika was having trouble gaining back to birth weights so we were back in hospital everyday for weight check and to see a Dr. 1 week passed by, 2 weeks passed by.... I usually suggest my clients to do newborn photos when baby is 5-10 days old but I wasn't physically ready at all ;-( I finally picked up my camera when Erika was 15days old! She passed the sleepy stage and was more alert. I started the portraits with her big brother, Leo which I LOVED photographing them together! then with her daddy, finally some with me ( yes, my husband took some pictures for me! ) This newborn stage is so special and passes by so quickly, these tiny feet, hands, big yawn, you want to remember all these precious…