Too Cute to Spook Halloween Photo Contest!
The winner will receive a family photo session! Session can be scheduled between December 2014 ~ April 2015 in East Bay Area. Sorry for delay in starting the contest, it took me a while to put together all kids photos! Thank you again for coming by my photo booth! There are simple instructions on what to do for this contest: PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE VOTING!!! 1- CLICK HERE to be directed to the Folder on my facebook page titled “Halloween Mini Sessions 2014″. Tag your child’s photo so I know who to contact when/if you win. 2- Click “like” on Aika Cardin Photography’s page and Small Talk Family Cafe (If you attended Boo Bash) OR Hilarie's Helpful Hints (if you attended Itsy Bitsy Yoga party or Trunk or treat) to be eligible to vote. 3- VOTE! Click “like” on the child’s photo you like the best then write " Too Cute to Spook" in the comment section. ***Be SURE you are voting on the correct photo on facebook. It MUST be the photos in the Halloween Folder and not any other Halloween photos that are posted on the page. That’s it! The Contest will run from November 5th to November 12th for a week. I’ll be tallying the results of the contest on November 13th. Winners will be notified through email and the photos posted here at the top of the post when the contest is over. Please note family session is up to 5 immediate family members and doesn't include newborn session.…