Maya’s 6 years old session! Walnut Creek, Children portraits Photographer

I have been photographing Maya for last 4 years. This is her 6 years old milestone session and mom brought her ballerina outfit.  I thought that was a great idea!!  She is doing ballet since she was two, what a great way to create her special milestone photos! 

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SAVE THE DATE!! Father’s Day Photo Booth! 6/5 & 6

2015 Father's Day Photo Booth Surprise daddy with adorable portrait of your littles one for Father's Day!  Dress your little one in daddy's favorite sports team uniform like Giants, 49ers, Golden State Warriors or superhero,  bring daddy's favorite tie, hat, anything that you think daddy would love to see on his baddy/little girl. I will have cute props at photo booth, too! Men are the hardest to shop for but I don't know a dad who doesn't love pictures of their kids!  My photo booth usually sell out quickly, Reserve your slot today! DATE: June 5th Friday and 6th Saturday PLACE: Small Talk Family Cafe in Walnut Creek RECOMMENDED AGE:  6 months old ( baby who is able to sit up on her/his own)  ~ 4  years old FEE:  $20 / child,  include 15 min photo session and one web-sized digital father's day card   SIGN UP FROM HERE:  * Please consider child’s nap time when you pick a time!    For sibling, please reserve 2 slots. June 5th, Friday 10am-1pm   extended till 3pm  SOLD OUT June 6th Saturday 9am-12pm SOLD OUT     Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled session time so that you have enough time to get  child ready and start shooting on time! Digital Father's Day Card and online gallery to purchase high resolution images will be available on June 13th, a week before Father's Day. Digital Father's Day Card is perfect to share on web! Card is web-sized and not recommended for printing. You…

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