Happy Father’s Day!

I hope everyone had a fun Father's Day!  I've been keeping these adorable photos secret as these were surprise gift to their daddy.  Lots of kids came in dressed up in their daddy's favorite sports team, or simply adorable outfit. Thank you again for joining me for Father's Day Photo Booth at Small Talk Family Cafe in Walnut Creek!  

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Whimsical Mommy & Me Photo Session for Father’s Day! 6/7 & 14

 2015 Whimsical mommy & me photo session Create a timeless portrait as a gift for daddy for Father's Day!  I don't know a dad who doesn't love pictures of his kids and wife.  Portraits will be simple and classic with minimal fuss and focusing on adorable face!  And tree swing will create a beautiful timeless portraits of your child. Swing photos are available only for age 4+ for who can sit on swing by themselves without parents support.   I will be offering two dates, 6/7 for Swing with flowers, 6/14 for swing with no flowers ( great for boys!)DATE:  June 7th Sunday and 14th Sunday 3pm-6pmPLACE: Briones regional park ( detail meeting location will be disclosed before the session date)RECOMMENDED AGE : 4+FEE: $ 125  include 20 minutes session 5 retouched high resolution images with full printing rights.            Up to 2 children plus mom. Sessions are reserved for moms and children only!SIGN UP FROM HERE:June 7th Sunday 3:30 pm -6 pm  ( tree swing with flowers)  SOLD OUTJune 14th Sunday 3:30pm-6pm ( tree swing with NO flowers)  SOLD OUT Detail meeting location will be disclosed  once you reserve your slot! Additional retouched high resolution images are available for purchase for $20 each.Please follow me on Facebook for updates! Looking forward to seeing you!   

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Tina & Tim – maternity session at Yerba Buena Garden and Union Square in San Francisco

Check out this beautiful couple!  Mom is due in mid August and she looks amazing ! I really enjoyed meeting them and photographing them at Yerba Buena Garden and Union Square in San Francisco. Couple requested modern city look for their maternity session and these locations were just perfect!   It was my first time shooting at Yerba Buena Garden, what a beautiful park in the middle of San Francisco.  We started there and walked to Union Square for more " city look" portraits. Union Square is one of my favorite place to photograph  ( and of curse for shopping!) , all building,  heart object, atmosphere, it's very San Francisco!    They have picked the name of the baby  girl " Coco"  and she had custom shoes made by Pottery Barn Kids. Love the color of gold and also onzie with coconut print.  So cute!  They ordered 12x16 custom designed album made in Italy.  It's going to be an beautiful album and I know when the baby is older, she will enjoy seeing this album  with mommy and daddy. CHANEL for " Coco" 

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