Nolan 10 months old! Walnut Creek Children and Family Photographer

It was a beautiful Sunday morning in Walnut Creek and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE everything about Nolan's 10 months old family photo session!  Isn't he so cute and handsome?  Mom and dad brought this vintage bike as prop and it was just perfect!  I can't wait for them to display these beautiful pictures in their house !  I know they will love gorgeous gallery wrap canvas collage and prints from my professional lab! Picture perfect I'm in LOVE with this one! " mommy, let's go for a ride! "

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S Family! Danville, East Bay San Francisco Children and family photographer

Here's some fun photos of gorgeous S family form Danville, CA.  I can't believe it's been almost  a year since last time I photographed them.  How time flies by!!  This is my new favorite location Walnut Creek, it's perfect for children and family session.   S family has purchased three 16x16 gallery warp canvas collage to display at their new home!  I can't wait to see them up on their wall!  Thank you for a fun session, S family!

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K Family! San Francisco Japanese Family Photographer

Another fun family session in San Francisco! K family is returning to Japan after spending 1 year in San Francisco. We began photo session at Union Square  with famous heart object and  cable car then headed to Alta Plaza Park where K family played often with kids.  We finished at Baker Beach with world most photographed bridge, " Golden Gate Bridge "  in background. It was gorgeous evening!  We created so many fun and beautiful photos together and now they have a beautiful memory of San Francisco to take home with them. もうすぐ日本に帰られる駐在員のK家族様のサンフランシスコでの撮影です。有名なユニオンスクエア、ケーブルカー、ゴールデンゲートブリッジでの撮影の他に、よく行った思い出のアルタプラザ公園でも撮影しました。なかなか家族4人揃っての写真というのは、あるようで無いものです。沢山のサンフランシスコの思い出写真が出来たのではないかと思います!

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