Featured on Minted.com 2015 Holiday Card Collection!

Woo-hoo!  I'm super excited to see my work featured on Minted.com  2015 Holiday card collection!  I have been doing lots of Holiday Family sessions already ! Those pictures featured on Minted.com are all taken in East Bay, San Francisco!  Check out my 2015 Holiday Family Mini Sessions in East Bay in Walnut Creek, Concord area  and reserve your spots today. Those all sold out quickly so I added a few more dates due to lots of request.  This is the last chance ;-)  

Continue ReadingFeatured on Minted.com 2015 Holiday Card Collection!

T family in San Francisco! San Francisco Family Photographer

Mom was here in San Francisco for work for 1 month from Oklahoma, so her family came to visit and she wanted to do a family photo session to remember this fun San Francisco trip!  What a great idea!   We started off at famous Union Square, I love the color and architecture there, there is also a cable car terminal so you can hop on the cable car to create fun pictures!  Then, headed to Baker Beach, one of my favorite place to photograph in San Francisco. Isn't it so beautiful?  I absolutely love it there!!  Mom ordered beautiful metal prints collage to display in her house and also gorgeous 10x10 fine art album. She told me these are early Christmas gifts for herself ;-)   Thank you for choosing me to create your San Francisco memory!  

Continue ReadingT family in San Francisco! San Francisco Family Photographer