N Family! Family session at Baker Beach and Union Square.

Golden Gate Bridge, Union Square, Cable Car... these are the most requested place to photograph in San Francisco.  N family is returning to Japan and this is a perfect places to create their San Francisco memory to bring home.  I love architecture and atmosphere in Union Square, historic building, cable car running, it's just very San Francisco to me!   And Baker Beach! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Baker Beach!  It's such a gorgeous place having a golden gate bridge in background. It's a perfect place to create family portraits, engagement portraits, maternity portraits, etc! N家族様の家族写真撮影です。サウスベイに数年間、駐在され、撮影は日本に帰国される4日前に行いました!サンフランシスコらしいロケーションが希望とのことで、ユニオンスクエアとゴールデンゲートブリッジを背景に撮影出来るベーカービーチで行いました。帰国前に素敵な思い出ができたのではと思います!

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N Family! Family session at Stanford University and Holbrook Park in Palo Alto

Another fun session in Palo Alto!  I have been doing lots of family session in South Bay these days, if you know me, I'm located in Walnut Creek, East Bay, about 1 hour from Palo Alto.   There are so many beautiful places in South Bay and Stanford University is one of my favorite! N family is returning to Japan soon and they wanted to create family portraits at the special places.   They selected Stanford University and Holbrook Park in Palo Alto, because those are the places they visited a lot to play with their son.  We had lots of fun and I hope these pictures will remind them their fun time they spent here in California! 今回は、メンローパークに駐在されていた、N家族様の撮影です。撮影は日本への帰国4日前に行われました!場所は、家族でよく遊びに行った思い出の場所の、スタンフォード大学と、パロアルトの Holbrook Park でした。ご帰国前に、素敵な思い出の写真ができたのではないかと思います。また、世界のどこかでお会い出来る日を楽しみにしています!  

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Family Photo Session at Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, South Bay San Francisco.

Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto is a beautiful place for children and Family Session. Flowers are blooming and it is such a beautiful garden! I photographed this handsome boy, P last year at Vasona Park in San Jose and I was so excited to see him again!  He kept running, running and running so I run, too. What a good work out...!!    These pictures will be beautifully displayed at their home ;-)   

Continue ReadingFamily Photo Session at Elizabeth Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, South Bay San Francisco.