Alex 8 months old! San Francisco Family Session

I have been photographing W family for last 5 years now! Big sister was on my baby plan, so I photographed her at all milestone in first year then family sessions every year , then Alex was born. It seems like it was only yesterday when I photographed Alex for his newborn family pictures and now he is 8 months old!!  Time Flies!  8 month old, sitting up stage is such a cute age to photograph and it is absolutely one of my favorite! We went o Embacaderro in San Francisco for this family session. I love the urban look and bow & arrow look so cute in back ground as well.  Can't wait to photograph W family again when Alex is ONE! He will be walking !!!  Enjoy the pictures! Newborn session. He was born in year of sheep, so mom got this adorable hat for him! Maternity Session

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2016 TUTU School, Walnut Creek ~ BRAVO BASH~

2016 TUTU School, Walnut Creek ~ BRAVO BASH ~ I enjoyed meeting and photographing all little Ballerinas at BRAVO BASH yesterday and I can't wait to share adorable pictures !  Pictures will be ready to view in 1 week and family will receive online gallery link!  Thank you! Congratulations to a successful BRAVO BASH, Tracy! You are amazing!

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Maternity photo session at Palace of Fine Arts and Baker Beach in San Francisco

What a fun maternity portraits session at Palace of fine arts and Baker Beach in San Francisco!  It was rainstorm till 1 hour before we started shooting,  There is usually beautiful cloud and sunset after the rainstorm and I'm so glad we didn't reschedule the session!  Look at the Baker Beach photos, aren't they gorgeous?  I can't wait to meet their baby boy soon! This one will be beautifully displayed with 16x20 custom frame at their house !   Love Love Love!    

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