Sailing Camp in Newport, Rhode Island

My son, Leo recently took a 2 weeks sailing camp at Newport Yacht Club in  Newport, Rhode Island.  Newport is the heart and capital of sailing and racing in the US today. How lucky is he to be able to take a sailing lessons there.   He flew there  2 weeks before me and stayed with grandparents, ( he loved it, of course!)  then I flew in later and I got to see Leo in action!  The sailing instructor kindly let me ride his instructor  boat with him  so that I could  take pictures for Leo and other sailers!   It was so much fun to see my 7 years old out in ocean with his sailing boat. How cool is that?  Leo enjoyed sailing camp and he is already excited to go back there next Summer!

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A Family Session ~ Millbrae, South Bay San Francisco Family Photographer

A Family welcomed their 3rd baby girl and her both grandparetns were visiting from Japan to see their granddaughter!  We created beautiful outdoor newborn family and extended family portraits at the park near by their house in Millbrae then headed to their house for more indoor newborn portraits.  The portraits of grandparents and grandkids are so precious and I know they will be cherished for many years to come.  Enjoy the pictures, A Family! サンフランシスコ、サウスベイにお住まいのAご家族の撮影です。3人目の赤ちゃんのお誕生のお祝いに日本から、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんが遊びに来ており誕生記念にみんなで家族写真をとのご依頼でした。生後2週間の赤ちゃんとともに、沢山素敵な写真が撮れました。おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんとお孫さんの写真はとても愛らしく可愛いですね。一番上のお姉ちゃんが、大事に大事に赤ちゃんを抱っこしている姿もとても可愛いかったです。生後間もなくでしか撮ることの出来ないこの新生児独特の雰囲気、新生児のやわらかさ、心地よく眠っているかなと思えば、途中で目をぱっちりと開けてくれたりして、かわいい写真が沢山撮れました!      

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Baby Model Headshot Session ~ San Francisco Bay Area, baby, kids model headshot photo session

I LOVE LOVE LOVE photographing baby models to create headshot for their portfolio for modeling!  Aren't they gorgeous?  Babies traveled to my studio from San Jose, San Francisco, Marin, Napa, Pleasant Hill, Dublin and all over from bay area San Francisco!   It was so fun working with them and best wishes for this exciting modeling journey!   I'm a modeling agency proffered headshots photographer in San Francisco, Bay Area!

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