Baker Beach Family Session. San Francisco!

LOVE Baker Beach!  These are some of my favorite images from Baker Beach Family Session. When I moved to California from East Coast 5 years ago, I did my first family session at Baker Beach, too.  It's so pretty there with Golden Gate Bridge in background!  I've been getting lots of inquires about Baker Beach Session for this year and I'm so excited to create beautiful family portraits for them ;-)  Contact to schedule your family session!    

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D Family! ” just moved” family session! Pleasant Hill, CA Family Photographer

D family! First time I photographed D family was about 3 years ago when their daughter Lily was in mom's belly for a maternity session at Pleasant City Hall.  We have done newborn session, 1 year old session together.  A couple months ago, mom contacted me that they were buying a new house and she told me she wanted to do " just moved session" at their new house.  I thought that was such a fun idea! We scheduled the session 1 week after they got a key to their new house and we had lots of fun together!  She has ordered lots of prints to create a wall photo gallery and I can't wait to see them!  I love documenting clients life through my lens. Congratulations D Family for a new house!  

Continue ReadingD Family! ” just moved” family session! Pleasant Hill, CA Family Photographer